Sunset Clause in State Sales Tax Decrease a Major Topic of Discussion at District 18 Cracker Barrel

Sunset Clause in State Sales Tax Decrease a Major Topic of Discussion at District 18 Cracker Barrel

Yankton Thrive hosted the first District 18 Legislative Cracker Barrel of the 2024 session on Saturday.

One of the topics that sparked a major discussion during the Cracker Barrel was the sunset clause in the sales tax decrease from last year which saw a 0.3% decrease.

Representative Mike Stevens, who voted against a bill this session that would’ve removed the sunset clause and make the decrease permanent, says that they need more time before making a decision.

Senator Jean Hunhoff says that they may not have enough data to make a decision on the sunset clause until 2026.

The sunset clause on the state sales tax decrease is set to expire in 2027.