Yankton City’s Tuition Reimbursement Policy Discussed

Yankton City’s Tuition Reimbursement Policy Discussed

          On Monday, the Yankton City Commission considered making some changes to the Tuition Reimbursement Policy for city employees.

          City Manager, Amy Leon, talks about how the policy would have to be implemented differently if the policy was changed to disclose which employees participate in it…

          Commissioner Brian Hunhoff makes a motion for more transparency in this policy…

South Dakota Codified Law 1-27-1.5 (Certain records not open to inspection or copying), subsection 7, states: Personnel information other than salaries and routine directory information. This subdivision does not apply to the public inspection or copying of any current or prior contract with any public employee and any related document that specifies the consideration to be paid to the employee.

City Attorney, Ross Den Herder, gives the Commission his legal opinion on this section of State law…

          The motion failed to pass, leaving the City’s policy unchanged.