The Yankton City Commission met on Monday evening for a special session to consider the fate of the fitness center at the Summit Activities Center, and to get feedback from the public.
25 members of the public spoke, ranging from all over Yankton County, and even from Nebraska. Almost all spoke in favor of keeping the fitness center open, and how valuable it is to the community.
Sandy Isburg talked about the efforts in the 1990s that it took to create the SAC …
Charlie Gross talked extensively on the numbers of the memberships and costs to the city, asking the Commission several pointed questions about the situation.
Cody Kneifl explains why he chose to move to Yankton and how important the SAC is to him…
The only motion considered by the City Commission was to keep the fitness center open, but to look at ways to possibly partner with a 3rd party in the operation, which was passed unanimously.
Mayor Stephane Moser was able to collect the contact information of several speakers who volunteered to help turn the SAC around and make it into a point of pride with the community, again.