- Tune in tomorrow night to KYNT or KYNTV to listen and watch the Yankton Gazelles Volleyball squad begin their 2021 campaign at home versus rival Sioux Falls O’Gorman. The Gazelles are leaning on senior leadership to compete in a very competitive AA Class. Pregame begins at 630pm with sports director Bryce Ladwig.
- The Yankton Bucks added to the exciting Riverboat Days weekend Friday evening by holding their annual football scrimmage at Crane-Youngworth Field. The scrimmage was open to the public and saw excellent attendance. The Bucks are gearing up for the season opener this Friday at home versus the Huron Tigers. You can listen to the game live on KYNT or watch live on KYNTV. Visit KYNT1450.com to learn more!
- If you missed the first KYNT Coaches Show Saturday morning, sports director Bryce Ladwig interviewed almost every varsity head coach of YHS Athletics for a team preview of the upcoming seasons. You can view or listen to it on the KYNT Youtube Page.
- The first week of the South Dakota High School Football season got underway this past weekend, with local area teams Viborg-Hurley losing to Garretson 43-42, Irene-Wakonda losing to Burke, 40-14 and Gayville-Volin losing to Dell Rapids St. Mary 42-8. The 11AAA, 11AA, and 11A classes were all idle this past weekend and begin play this coming Friday.